Making the Shift to Renewable Energy

Here at Shift Development, one of our five core values is environmental sustainability. In all our projects and endeavours we strive to foster sustainable lifestyles while minimizing our environmental footprint. In keeping with this idea, we were pursuing the installation of solar panels to offset the energy use in our office with renewable energy. But we ran into a roadblock in financing the project. That is when the SES Solar Co-Operative stepped up and filled the financing gap to help us go ahead with the project.

This is a great story of collaboration which not only helped us further our renewable energy goals, it also gave the SES Solar Co-Operative a platform to complete their very first project! And what better place to do it, on the rooftop of a hub of collaboration, the Two Twenty.

We are very excited to announce the SES Solar Co-Operative have installed 95 solar panels on the Two Twenty. Be sure to take a look for the 5 solar panels which are visible from 20th Street. The other 90 panels are located on the rooftop. Suncatcher Solar completed the installation for the SES Solar Co-Operative. The panels each generate around 300 Watts which gives a total system power of 27 KW. This is enough to power about 1/3 of the electricity usage of the Two Twenty. The system is grid tied and will take advantage of SaskPower’s net metering rebate program.

Check out the view from the sky!

We hope that this project will encourage other imaginative and interesting renewable projects in the neighbourhood and the city. What to learn more? Check out these links:
